søndag 27. mai 2012

Europarådet og dansk pressefrihet

I Store Norske Leksikon defineres pressefrihet som ”Pressens rett til uten forhåndskontroll å bringe opplysninger og fremsette kritikk, f.eks. av offentlige myndigheter.”

Europarådets rasismekommisjon har nylig utgitt en rapport om Danmark der de slår fast at

“As indicated above, some politicians have continued to make negative statements against Muslims since ECRI’s third report. ECRI notes with concern that few have been prosecuted. (...)

As also mentioned above, since ECRI’s third report, the media have continued to portray Muslims in a negative light. (...)

ECRI strongly recommends that the authorities encourage debate within the media on the image which they convey of Islam and Muslim communities and on their responsibility in this respect to avoid perpetuating prejudice and biased information as recommended in its General Policy Recommendation No. 5 on combating intolerance and discrimination against Muslims.” (90.-92., side 30)

Europarådets generalsekretær er Thorbjørn Jagland.


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